"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."
No10-2014-610-172The UK PM David Cameron attends the EU Council this week. He starts by visiting Ypres, the 'In Flanders Fields' Museum and attends a ceremony at the Menin Gate.
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
Armistice Day - The First World War officially ended on the eleventh hour on the eleventh day on the eleventh month, 1918. A year later began the act of a Two Minute Silence on the anniversary of Armistice by those who did not want to forget the millions killed, injured and affected.
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
Now generally called Remembrance Day, people in their millions stop and observe the Two Minute Silence at 11am on 11 November each year in the memory of those who have been affected in all conflicts since that day.
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
"The Arboretum covers a massive 150 acres"
The National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. The Arboretum is a place of remembrance for both military and civilian personal serving our nation.
The Arboretum covers a massive 150 acres and has a memorial for every service and major unit within the Armed forces and civil services. It was opened in 2001; seven years after its original conception by Commander David Childs CBE who wished to see an established national focus for remembrance.
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
"Stunning piece of architecture"
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
The Armed Forces Memorial honours those members of the Armed Forces (Regular and Reserve) who were killed on duty.
The Memorial is a stunning piece of architecture. It comprises of a 43 metre diameter stone structure made up of two curved walls and two straight walls. On them the names of those honoured.
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
Since the end of World War II the men and women of the Armed Forces, often as part of United Nations, NATO or other international coalitions have taken part in more than 50 operations and conflicts across the world.
It’s not just Service Personnel who’ve made the sacrifice. Behind every name on the Memorial are the wives, husbands, partners, parents, children and colleagues who loved them and who live with the pain and consequences of their loss every day.
The National Memorial ArboretumThe National Memorial Arboretum is the UK's year-round centre of Remembrance; a spiritually uplifting place which honours the fallen, recognises service and sacrifice, and fosters pride in our country. It is a living and lasting memorial.
It commemorates and celebrates those who have given their lives in the service of their country, all who have served and suffered as a result of conflict, and others who, for specific or appropriate reasons, are commemorated here.
The Arboretum is a charity run by staff and volunteers, and part of The Royal British Legion family. We receive around 300,000 visitors a year, including Service personnel, veterans, students of all ages, and groups.
There are over 200 special events held here each year. The Act of Remembrance, including a Silence, is observed daily in the Millennium Chapel.
The Arboretum is home to the striking Armed Forces Memorial which commemorates those who have been killed on duty or as a result of terrorism from the end of the Second World War to the current conflict in Afghanistan.
For more information go to http://www.thenma.org.uk/
Palestine 1945-48
Malaya 1948-60
Yangtze 1949
Korea 1950-53
Canal Zone 1951-54
Kenya 1952-1956
Cyprus 1955-1959
Suez 1956
Arabian Peninsula 1957-60
Congo 1960-64
Brunei 1962-64
Borneo 1962-66
Cyprus 1964 to present day
Radfan 1964
South Arabia 1964-67
Malay Peninsula 1964-65
Northern Ireland 1969-2007
Dhofar 1969-76
Rhodesia 1979-80
South Atlantic 1982
Lebanon 1983-84
Gulf of Suez 1984
Gulf 1986-89
Pashawar 1989-90
Namibia 1989-90
Kuwait 1991
Iraq/Kuwait 1991-2003
Western Sahara 1991 to present day
Northern Iraq/Southern Turkey 1991
Air Operations Iraq 1991-2003
Cambodia 1991-93
Former Yugoslavia 1992-2002
Sarajevo 1992-96
Georgia 1993 to present day
Rwanda 1993-96
Angola 1995-1997
Croatia 1996-98
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1996 to present day
Kosovo 1998-2002
Sierra Leone 1998 to present day
Sierra Leone 1999-2002
Congo 1999 to present day
Kosovo 1999 to present day
East Timor 1999
Ethiopia & Eritrea 2000 to present day
Macedonia 2001-02
Afghanistan 2001 to present day
Balkans 2003 to present day
Iraq 2003 to 2011
Libya 2011